TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\12 houses 12 signs elements\Houses topics\houses topics Bhava divisions\House systems

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NameSizeDate Modified
Zoller and the alcabitius method.pdf104 KB3/28/2016 5:18 PM
Whole Sign Houses.webarchive1,090 KB7/19/2016 5:37 PM
Robert Schmidt_The Hellenistic System of Houses.pdf153 KB2/10/2018 10:37 PM
Robert Schmid_House Division_ Planetary Strength and Cusps in Hellenistic Astrology.pdf51 KB2/10/2018 10:31 PM
Jyotish Dividing the Sky house sytems Rudiger Plantiko.pdf475 KB11/6/2012 6:42 AM
House Systems.rtf21 KB10/21/2018 3:18 AM
house systems.pdf96 KB8/4/2016 2:39 AM
HOUSE SYSTEMS Differences Between Them.pdf54 KB3/3/2014 7:41 PM
Book Primary directions House systems.pdf5,476 KB1/22/2014 11:34 PM
12 greek equal houses.pdf251 KB7/19/2016 5:41 PM
4 house systems.rtfd9/20/2023 5:13 AM