TC4S:\T\ (Michael Parness)\Trend Trading to Win - 6 DVD

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NameSizeDate Modified
06 - Introduction to Options.flv345,569 KB6/7/2010 12:22 PM
05 - Playing the Gaps.flv386,763 KB6/7/2010 12:22 PM
04 - Shorting 101.flv247,350 KB6/7/2010 12:22 PM
03 - Money Management and Stop Losses.flv265,709 KB6/7/2010 12:22 PM
02 - Introduction to Trading, Order Entry and Money Management.flv187,378 KB6/7/2010 12:21 PM
01 - Pschology of Trading.flv333,011 KB6/7/2010 12:22 PM