TC4S:\J\John Carter (\_SimplerTrading Indicators Support\Our Traders

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NameSizeDate Modified
Volume Profile - Simpler Trading.pdf64 KB7/3/2018 1:26 AM
Understanding Trade Alerts - Simpler Trading.pdf64 KB7/3/2018 1:23 AM
Understanding Carolyn's Charts & Setups - Simpler Trading.pdf136 KB7/3/2018 1:17 AM
Setting Your Stops - Simpler Trading.pdf124 KB7/3/2018 1:23 AM
Selecting Your Price Target - Extensions and Retracements - Simpler Trading.pdf136 KB7/3/2018 1:23 AM
It depends on the time frame you're trading._ - What does that mean_ - Simpler Trading.pdf68 KB7/3/2018 1:25 AM
Initial Balance - Simpler Trading.pdf88 KB7/3/2018 1:25 AM
Fubar Sneaky Setup - Simpler Trading.pdf60 KB7/3/2018 1:22 AM
Taylor Letterman7/3/2018 5:17 AM
Sam Shames7/3/2018 5:19 AM
Raghee Horner7/3/2018 5:06 AM
Neil Yeager7/3/2018 5:04 AM
John Clayburg7/3/2018 5:19 AM
John Carter7/3/2018 5:04 AM
Henry Gambell5/21/2019 12:36 AM
Eric Purdy7/3/2018 5:18 AM
David Starr7/3/2018 5:18 AM
Danielle Shay7/3/2018 5:08 AM
Carolyn Boroden5/21/2019 12:35 AM
Bruce Marshall7/3/2018 5:11 AM
Allison Ostrander7/3/2018 5:09 AM