TC4S:\J\John Carter (\_SimplerTrading Indicators Support\Indicator Webinars\What is the Ready Aim Fire (RAF) Indicator

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NameSizeDate Modified
What is the Ready Aim Fire (RAF) Indicator_ - Simpler Trading.pdf92 KB7/3/2018 3:08 AM
Usage-Guide---Ready-Aim-Fire.pdf1,528 KB7/3/2018 3:06 AM
Ready Aim Fire (RAF) Indicator Webinar 3.mp4133,541 KB7/3/2018 3:07 AM
Ready Aim Fire (RAF) Indicator Webinar 2.mp4165,247 KB7/3/2018 3:06 AM
Ready Aim Fire (RAF) Indicator Webinar 1.mp4225,561 KB7/3/2018 3:05 AM