TC4S:\J\John Carter (\_SimplerTrading Indicators Support\Customization Guides

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NameSizeDate Modified
Changing the color of each line displayed in Thinkorswim .png88 KB7/3/2018 4:10 AM
Changing the color of each line displayed in Tradestation .png42 KB7/3/2018 4:10 AM
Changing the colors of the boxes that display the values for the ST Earnings Indicator.png171 KB7/3/2018 4:11 AM
Changing the size of the Top Hat symbol Width = 1.png91 KB7/3/2018 4:09 AM
Changing the size of the Top Hat symbol Width = 5.png92 KB7/3/2018 4:09 AM
Changing the symbols and allocations in Thinkorswim.png88 KB7/3/2018 4:10 AM
Changing the symbols and allocations in Tradestation.png48 KB7/3/2018 4:10 AM
Changing the thickness of the lines displayed in Tradestation.png49 KB7/3/2018 4:11 AM
ST Earnings Analysis Customization Guide - Simpler Trading.pdf256 KB7/3/2018 12:16 AM
ST Multi Squeeze Customization Guide - Simpler Trading.pdf120 KB7/3/2018 12:16 AM
ST Power Correlation Tool Customization Guide - Simpler Trading.pdf328 KB7/3/2018 12:16 AM
ST Top Hat Customization Guide - Simpler Trading.pdf460 KB7/3/2018 12:16 AM