TC4S:\J\John Carter (\SimplerTrading - The Squeeze Pro System ELITE $1497 Live Trading Class

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NameSizeDate Modified
Elite Day 3 JC PM.mp4445,108 KB6/14/2019 2:12 PM
Elite Day 3 JC AM.mp4952,880 KB6/14/2019 2:42 PM
Elite Day 2 Patrick and JC PM.mp4870,093 KB6/15/2019 10:57 PM
Elite Day 2 JC AM.mp4664,185 KB6/12/2019 2:45 PM
Elite Day 2 Eric.mp4218,093 KB6/12/2019 2:26 PM
Elite Day 1 JC PM.mp4636,355 KB6/12/2019 3:04 PM
Elite Day 1 JC AM.mp4906,260 KB6/12/2019 12:19 AM
Squeeze Pro Stats Tools Indicator for ThinkOrSwim TOS & Tradestation TS6/16/2019 2:00 AM
Documents6/14/2019 2:15 PM