TC4S:\J\John Carter (\SimplerTrading - Raghee Horner - Ultimate Day Trading Strategy ELITE $897\ELITE Live Trading Class\July Chartbook

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NameSizeDate Modified
AAPL 7-14-20 1013AM VScore Long entire session.jpg463 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-24-20 Vscore 940AM Long.jpg442 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-27-20 932AM 1138AM VScore Low Long Options Oversold no CR breach no IB breach CR high Target.jpg476 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-29-20 1018 AM Breach Retest Long.jpg468 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-31-20 930-1000 Vscore Low 1018AM Buy Call Options.jpg422 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-31-20 959AM VScore Low Options Aggro.jpg437 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-6-20 930-10 VScore Breach Retreat VAH T1 +2VScore T1.jpg441 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AAPL 7-7-20 Premarlet Advantage Vscore Call Options 939AM.jpg459 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
AMZN 7-24-20 Breach Retest AM 34EMA Wave Swing Trade Long EOD.jpg503 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-13-20 930-1000 VScore Long 1002AM.jpg444 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-14-20 NQ buy valid if falling short of levels - options.jpg490 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-20-20 949AM VScore Low Long.jpg477 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-22-20 VScore as Oversold in Breachless morning session.jpg503 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-24-20 1034AM 1039AM Breach Retreat and CR high T1.jpg464 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-27-20 933AM VScore post 11AM Breach Retreat Long above CR low.jpg497 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-30-20 954AM VScore entire session.jpg471 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-6-20 VScore 930-1000 Low Long and Initial Balance Low Test in PM.jpg545 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-6-20 VScore 930-1000 Low Long.jpg518 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
ES 7-7-20 1041AM 1046AM Retest and VWAP after Breach.jpg463 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-16-20 930-1000 VScore Low Long 1004AM 1103AM two hits +2.0VScore Target.jpg478 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-17-20 don't short near oversold 930-1000 VScore lows buy options 1026AM.jpg454 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-30-20 earnings day AM daytrade -2VScore to CR high T1 to +3 VScore T2.jpg461 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-31-20 daytraders must be aware of wide opening ranges without a breach.jpg463 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-6-20 1020AM Breach Retest Call Options Bearish Momo 13EMA 21EMA +2.3 VScore T1.jpg437 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
FB 7-9-20 930-1000AM VScore Low Long 2 entries call options Vscore +0.70 VScore.jpg454 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
LRCX Inside Day on 7-28-20 Daytrade Long 7-29-20 Breach Retest.jpg498 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-10-20 1002AM 930-1000 VScore Low Long Buy when 700-930 isn's reached.jpg472 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-15-20 here's something you don't want to do VScore extreme high buy 941AM.jpg458 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-20-20 700-930 VScore 936AM Extreme Low Long Breach Retest 1033 AM Long.jpg423 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-27-20 700-930 VScore Low Long 1027AM CR high T1 entire session.jpg481 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-31-20 the importance of CR high as a target.jpg472 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-6-20 930-1000 VScore Low Long 950AM Call Options VAH T1.jpg465 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
MSFT 7-8-20 -2VScore 1122AM Long Calls CR high Target 1.jpg462 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
Notes on July Setups.txt1 KB9/20/2020 4:16 PM
NQ 7-1-20 Bullish Structure CR GRaB VWAP.jpg464 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-10-20 1003AM Vscore Extreme Long.jpg482 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-10-20 VScore follow-through day above VWAP.jpg451 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-13-20 1002 AM VScore Long.jpg443 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-13-20 1002 AM VScore Target.jpg447 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-14-20 953AM VScore Low Long.jpg481 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-14-20 953AM VScore Target.jpg479 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-16-20 VScore High to Low Session igorning breach lower.jpg498 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-17-20 Vscore Long Session ignoring breach.jpg491 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-2-20 1028 AM Vscore Long.jpg474 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-20-20 1003 10X Volume Strength Breach.jpg408 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-22-20 1052 AM VScore low and mgmt.jpg490 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-23-20 1019AM VScore Low Long.jpg472 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-24-20 940AM VScore Long 1034AM Retreat Long.jpg465 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-27-20 1015AM 1029AM 1136AM Retreat and VScore Retest to hold on for long.jpg486 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-27-20 932AM VScore Long.jpg453 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-28-20 VScore Entry and Exit and why only the first half of the day.jpg484 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-29-20 VScore Long and undertanding validity of the trade with CR low.jpg498 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-30-20 Options 7-930 VScore Low Long before AAPL AMZN FB GOOGL earnings.jpg487 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-31-20 Vscore Low AM and PM and 10700 major psych number.jpg508 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NQ 7-6-20 1006AM Retest Long 118PM VWAP Long.jpg476 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NVDA 6-29-20 VScore Intraday 34EMA Wave EOD Long.jpg453 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
NVDA 7-24-20 VScore Intraday 34EMA Wave EOD Long.jpg467 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
RTY 7-13-20 700-930 VScore Low Long Daily inside the 34EMA Wave.jpg466 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
RTY 7-7-20 Breach Retreat Long.jpg419 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
RTY 7-8-20 Breach Retreat and VScore Low Oversold Long two separate trades sticking with bias.jpg457 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
RTY 7-8-20 intraday weakness VScore oversold daily in the 34EMA Wave.jpg516 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
TSLA 7-9-20 Inside Day on EOD to 7-10-20 Daytrade Long 700-930 VScore Low Buy 934AM.jpg505 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
XLC 7-24-20 Intraday Breach Retreat AM 34EMA Wave Trend Following Swing EOD Long with Calls.jpg472 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
XLK 7-24-20 Breach Retreat Intraday Gap Down 34EMA Wave Buy EOD Long.jpg481 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM
XLY 7-9-20 3x8PropDot Long with VScore Low and Initial Balance Low Support.jpg482 KB9/22/2020 9:44 AM