TC4S:\J\John Carter (\SimplerTrading - Raghee Horner - TOPS BONUS 2019 The Obnoxious Profit Strategy (Strategy + Live + Indicator) $497\TOPS Class Download\Slides, Chats, and Notes

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NameSizeDate Modified
TOPS Trade Matrix.pdf1,745 KB10/7/2019 9:10 PM
TOPS Saturday Intro.pdf6,644 KB10/7/2019 9:10 PM
TOPS Saturday Class.pdf27,280 KB10/7/2019 9:09 PM
TOPS Chat 9-27-17.txt32 KB9/27/2017 3:40 PM
TOPS Chat 9-27-17.pdf11,119 KB10/7/2019 9:07 PM
TOPS Chat 9-26-17.txt36 KB9/26/2017 2:17 PM
TOPS Chat 9-26-17.pdf12,765 KB10/7/2019 9:07 PM
TOPS Chat 9-23-17.txt71 KB9/26/2017 2:16 PM
TOPS Chat 9-23-17.pdf25,012 KB10/7/2019 9:06 PM
Simpler-Trading-Wave-Grab.pdf12,323 KB10/7/2019 9:05 PM
Matrix Chart Set Ups10/7/2019 9:04 PM