TC4S:\J\John Carter (\SimplerTrading - Don Kaufman - Set it and Forget it Spreads

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NameSizeDate Modified
Don Set it and Forget it-Spreads.pdf3,552 KB6/25/2017 4:22 PM
Don-Set it and Forget it Spreads BW.pdf4,598 KB6/25/2017 4:22 PM
Don-Set it and Forget it Spreads.mp4515,226 KB6/25/2017 4:25 PM
Don_Set_it_and_Forget_it_Spreads-1.pptx1,314 KB6/25/2017 4:25 PM
f9fc3b4284ee13850caa65c762b09003.png184 KB5/15/2018 1:53 AM