TC4S:\J\John Carter (\John Carter - SimplerOptions - Options Trading Advantage (OTA) 3-Day Live Trading Course DVD $749\Workbooks

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NameSizeDate Modified
Psychology.pdf1,724 KB2/28/2014 9:34 PM
OTAliveJan2013-Updated as of 1-29-2013.pdf472 KB2/28/2014 9:34 PM
OTAliveJan2013-Final.pdf1,145 KB2/28/2014 9:33 PM
OTAliveJan2013-Current as of 1-31-2013.pdf1,142 KB2/28/2014 9:32 PM
optionspreadsheet2.xls36 KB1/27/2014 9:38 PM
optionspreadsheet1.xls25 KB1/27/2014 9:38 PM
optionsjan26class.pdf2,129 KB2/28/2014 9:30 PM