TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Zeus Capital\Part 3\5. Mastering Trading Psychology\1. Rules To Become Successful

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NameSizeDate Modified
9. Conclusion.m4a1,463 KB2/18/2022 5:22 PM
8. Keep Trading in Perspective.m4a3,228 KB2/18/2022 5:20 PM
7. Know when to Stop Trading!.m4a4,093 KB2/18/2022 5:20 PM
6. Use a Stop Loss.m4a2,351 KB2/18/2022 5:19 PM
5. Risk What You Can Afford To Lose.m4a3,843 KB2/18/2022 4:15 PM
4. Become A Student.m4a2,280 KB2/18/2022 4:15 PM
3. Protect Your Capital.m4a3,061 KB2/18/2022 4:14 PM
2. Treat it Like A Business.m4a4,293 KB2/18/2022 4:14 PM
1. Use A Trading Plan.m4a2,596 KB2/18/2022 4:13 PM