TC4S:\2023_CSMD\_TradeStation Systems & Indicators\_Misc\Perry Kaufman Indicators & Systems\Chapter06

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NameSizeDate Modified
TSM(E) Gold v ABX.xls484 KB3/11/2004 3:34 PM
TSM(E) Wal-Mart regression.xls20 KB4/3/2004 3:25 PM
TSM(F) Curvilinear.txt4 KB4/3/2004 3:45 PM
TSM(F) Pearson's Correlation.txt1 KB4/3/2004 3:36 PM
TSM(F) StDev of residuals.txt2 KB4/3/2004 3:53 PM
TSM(I) Curvilinear.txt1 KB4/3/2004 3:49 PM
TSM(I) StDev of residuals.txt1 KB4/3/2004 3:58 PM
TSM(O) Curvilinear fit.txt6 KB4/3/2004 3:41 PM
TSM(O) Least squares.txt10 KB4/3/2004 3:20 PM
TSMCHAPTER6.ELS11 KB4/3/2004 4:02 PM