TC4S:\2021\Stock Market Lab - 10-Week Stock Trading Program\Online Training Webinar\11. Trader of the month

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NameSizeDate Modified
5. Webinar W Zaryab (October Trader of the Month).mp4198,046 KB6/27/2021 6:40 PM
4. Webinar W Arshad (August Trader of the Month).mp4265,228 KB6/27/2021 6:40 PM
3. Webinar W Jay (April Trader of the Month).mp4237,656 KB6/27/2021 6:39 PM
2. Webinar W Emiliano (March Trader of the Month).mp4212,560 KB6/27/2021 6:39 PM
1. Webinar W Schern (February Trader of the Month).mov205,599 KB6/27/2021 6:38 PM