TC4S:\2019\Egill Bjorgvinnson - Technical Analysis From Beginner To Pro\10 You are on your way
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Date Modified
005 What to expect when your expecting part 2.mp4
139,378 KB
4/8/2016 10:55 AM
004 What to expect when your expecting part 1.mp4
201,961 KB
4/8/2016 10:55 AM
003 Targets and Stops - Structure part 3.mp4
104,835 KB
4/8/2016 10:55 AM
002 Targets and Stops - Structure part 2.mp4
156,781 KB
4/8/2016 10:55 AM
001 Targets and Stops - Structure part 1.mp4
75,882 KB
4/8/2016 10:54 AM