PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\Marketing Analytics Pricing Strategies and Price Analytics
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Date Modified
8. Bonus Section
2/25/2022 9:33 PM
7. Appendix 1 Excel crash course
2/25/2022 9:33 PM
6. Theory Pricing Policy and Pricing Objective
2/25/2022 9:33 PM
5. Step 4 Evaluating Pricing Strategies
2/25/2022 9:33 PM
4. Step 3 Analyzing competitors
2/25/2022 9:32 PM
3. Step 2 Estimating Costs
2/25/2022 9:32 PM
2. Step1 Estimating Demand
2/25/2022 9:32 PM
1. Introduction
2/25/2022 9:32 PM