PDC4S:\D\Deep Learning Computer Vision CNN, OpenCV, YOLO, SSD & GANs |
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1. Introduction | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
10. Data Augmentation Build a Cats vs Dogs Classifier | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
11. Confusion Matrix, Classification Report & Viewing Misclassifications | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
12. Types of Optimizers, Learning Rates & Callbacks Build a Fruit Classifier | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
13. Batch Normalization & Build LeNet, AlexNet Build a FashionClothes Classifier | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
14. ImageNet in Keras (VGG1619, InceptionV3, ResNet50) - Advanced Image Classiers | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
15. Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning Build a Flower and Monkey Breed Classifier | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
16. Design Your Own CNN - LittleVGG Build a Simpsons Character Classifier | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
17. Advanced Activation Functions and Initializations | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
18. Deep Surveillance Build a Facial Emotion, Age & Gender Recognition System | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
19. Image Segmentation & Medical Imaging in U-Net Find Nuclei in Images | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
2. Introduction to Computer Vision & Deep Learning | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
20. Principles of Object Detection | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
21. TensorFlow Object Detection API | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
22. Object Detection with YOLO & Darkflow Build a London Underground Sign Detector | | 5/29/2020 3:04 AM |
23. DeepDream & Neural Style Transfers Make AI Generated Art | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
24. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Age Faces to 60+ Age with our Age-cGAN | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
25. Face Recognition with VGGFace | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
26. The Computer Vision World | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
27. BONUS - Build a Credit Card Number Reader | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
28. BONUS - Use Cloud GPUs on PaperSpace | | 5/29/2020 3:05 AM |
29. BONUS - Create a Computer Vision API & Web App Using Flask and AWS | | 5/29/2020 3:04 AM |
3. Setup Your FREE Deep Learning Development Virtual Machine | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
4. Handwriting Recognition, Simple Object Classification OpenCV Demo | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
5. OpenCV3 Tutorial (OPTIONAL) - Live Sketches, Identify Shapes & Face Detection | | 5/29/2020 3:04 AM |
6. Neural Networks Explained in Detail | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
7. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Explained in Detail | | 5/29/2020 3:06 AM |
8. Build CNNs in Python using Keras - Handwriting Recognition (MNIST) | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |
9. What CNNs 'see' - Learn to do Filter Visualizations, Heatmaps and Salience Maps | | 5/29/2020 3:03 AM |