PDC4S:\2020\• E-commerce Courses\Roger Langille - Internet Owned\03. Prazon\14. Amazonix 1

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NameSizeDate Modified
01. Ranking and Selling the Lights Out of Your Product.ts17,096 KB9/8/2017 2:44 AM
02. Transferring Keywords to AMZTracker.ts10,441 KB9/8/2017 2:45 AM
03. Transferring Keywords to Wordpad.ts12,899 KB9/8/2017 2:45 AM
04. Selecting 4 Keywords and 6 Keywords.ts5,693 KB9/8/2017 2:45 AM
05. Creating an Optimized Title.ts10,103 KB9/8/2017 2:23 AM
06. Bullet Points.ts12,665 KB9/8/2017 2:44 AM
07. Product Descriptions Part 1.ts12,346 KB9/8/2017 2:44 AM
08. Product Descriptions Part 2.ts10,490 KB9/8/2017 2:44 AM
09. Replacing Your Shell Listing With a Super Optimized Listing.ts16,794 KB9/8/2017 2:45 AM