PDC4S:\2018\The Personal MBA Business Crash Course $997\COURSE\01 How Businesses Work\Week #1 - Value-Creation, part 1

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NameSizeDate Modified
Week #1 - Value-Creation, part 1.txt2 KB1/15/2016 4:12 AM
22 Form of Value #12 - Capital12/29/2017 12:02 PM
21 Form of Value #11 - Insurance12/29/2017 12:02 PM
20 Form of Value #10 - Option12/29/2017 12:02 PM
19 Form of Value #9 - Loan12/29/2017 12:02 PM
18 Form of Value #8 - Audience Aggregation12/29/2017 12:02 PM
17 Form of Value #7 - Affiliation - Agency12/29/2017 12:02 PM
16 Form of Value #6 - Lease12/29/2017 12:02 PM
15 Form of Value #5 - Resale12/29/2017 12:02 PM
14 Form of Value #4 - Subscription - Continuity12/29/2017 12:02 PM
13 Form of Value #3 - Shared Resource12/29/2017 12:02 PM
12 Form of Value #2 - Service12/29/2017 12:02 PM
11 Form of Value #1 - Product12/29/2017 12:02 PM
10 The 12 Standard Forms of Value12/29/2017 12:02 PM
09 The Crusader Rule12/29/2017 12:02 PM
08 The Mercenary Rule12/29/2017 12:02 PM
07 The Hidden Benefit of Competition12/29/2017 12:02 PM
06 10 Market Evaluation Questions12/29/2017 12:02 PM
05 Core Human Drives12/29/2017 12:02 PM
04 The Iron Law of the Market12/29/2017 12:02 PM
03 Value-Creation12/29/2017 12:02 PM
02 Economically Valuable Skills12/29/2017 12:02 PM
01 The 5 Core Business Processes12/29/2017 12:02 PM