PDC4S:\2018\Entheos 2014 - Speak Like a Pro $497\Day 2
Up one directory...
Date Modified
5. Dirk Haun - Presenting for Geeks-Use Introversion to Your Advantage.mp4.XML
0 KB
9/2/2014 11:29 AM
5. Dirk Haun - Presenting for Geeks-Use Introversion to Your Advantage.mp4
118,241 KB
8/30/2014 6:13 PM
4. Monica McCarthy - From Broadway to the Big Screen-How Actors Practice to Own the Stage.mp4.XML
0 KB
9/2/2014 11:29 AM
4. Monica McCarthy - From Broadway to the Big Screen-How Actors Practice to Own the Stage.mp4
149,894 KB
8/30/2014 6:15 PM
3. John Havens - Practice Like a Pro-Tips from a Veteran Actor and Professional Speaker.mp4.XML
0 KB
9/2/2014 11:28 AM
3. John Havens - Practice Like a Pro-Tips from a Veteran Actor and Professional Speaker.mp4
141,957 KB
8/30/2014 6:12 PM
2. Clay Hebert - Master Your Set-up Before You Set Foot on Stage.mp4.XML
0 KB
9/2/2014 11:28 AM
2. Clay Hebert - Master Your Set-up Before You Set Foot on Stage.mp4
127,440 KB
8/30/2014 6:12 PM
1. Cal Newport - So Good They Can't Ignore You-How to Practice Effectively.mp4.XML
0 KB
9/2/2014 11:28 AM
1. Cal Newport - So Good They Can't Ignore You-How to Practice Effectively.mp4
126,892 KB
8/30/2014 6:15 PM