PDC4S:\2018-2\Strategyzer - Mastering Business Models\6 Validation
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Date Modified
1.1 Why Business Models Fail
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
1.2 Have You ever Observed Business Model Failure
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
1.3 How Testing Your Business Models and Value Propositions Can Help You Avoid Failure
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
1.4 Introduction to Customer Development
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
2.1 How Could You Test Customer Interest If You Were to Build an iPad App
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
2.2 How We Tested the Interest in Our iPad App Before Spending Money
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
2.3 The Difference Between Interviews, Observations, and Real Tests
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
2.4 Three Category of Tests
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
3.1 Increase Validation Spending with Confidence & Certainty
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
3.2 Why Cycle Times Matter
11/2/2019 8:23 AM
3.3 Bringing It All Together At the Business Model Competition
11/2/2019 8:23 AM